
Here you will find all the help you need to find online dating and meet new friends.


It's free?
It is completely free, you can register and use all the services to find online dating or meet new friends without paying anything.
Sign Up
  1. Tap on "Menu".
  2. Tap on "Sign Up".
  3. Answer the form.
  4. Read the Terms of use .
  5. Tap on "Create account".

Activate account

When you registered, we sent you a message to your email address with the code that you must enter in the pop-up box to activate your account, if the box is not displayed, try to log in, if the mail does not arrive, check the folder of junk mail or spam.

Edit account

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Account".

Delete account

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Account".
  4. Tap on "Delete Account".

Log in

  1. Tap on "Menu".
  2. Tap on "Log in".
  3. Enter your access data.
  4. Tap on "Log in".

Remember me on this computer

If you select the "Do not log out", your username and password will be remembered unless you log out.

Remember password

  1. Tap on "Menu".
  2. Tap on "Log in".
  3. Tap on "Remember password".
  4. Enter the email with which you registered.
  5. Tap on "Remember".

The access data is sent to your email address, if the mail does not arrive, check the spam or junk mail folder.


Edit profile

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Profile".
  4. Tap on "Edit".

See my profile

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Profile".

Add photos

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Profile".
  4. Tap on "Add Photo".

Add profile photo

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Profile".
  4. Tap on the menu of the profile photo you want.
  5. Select "Set as profile picture".
Chat and messages

Send a message

  1. Log in.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Tap on "Message".
  4. Write your message.
  5. Press the enter key.

Send a message to an online user

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Online".
  4. Select the user.
  5. Write your message.
  6. Press the enter key.

Read my messages

  1. Log in.
  2. Tap on "Menu".
  3. Tap on "Messages".


Users who have liked you and you have liked them.

likes you

Users who like you.

Liked you

Users you like.


Users who cannot send you messages.
Search profiles
  1. Tap on "Search menu".
  2. Answer the form.
  3. Tap on "Search".
Report a user
  1. Log in.
  2. Select the user you want to report.
  3. Tap on "Report".
  4. Answer the form.
  5. Tap on "Report".
I can't find an answer

Send us your question at contact us we will be happy to answer you.

Solution of problems


Our system is incompatible with some browsers, for optimal results access through Google Chrome.

I did not receive the email to activate my account.

If the above solutions do not solve the problem, you probably registered with the wrong email address, we recommend you to register again.

I can not log in
Make sure that:
I can't read the messages
When an account is deleted, all data on the account is deleted, so you will not have access to messages that you have sent or received from a deleted account.
I can't find a solution
You have tried the previous solutions and the problem persists. send us a detailed description of the problem at contact us.