Men in California looking for new friends

Profile picture of staticsun68888
Single man, 51, United States, California, Hemet. I am a single father of a 19 year old daughter who has moved on and to find her own path in life. i have never been married but lets see where this good. i have an average build and stand 5" 8". i am very laid back person and friends say i am a hippy. i enjoy music and would like to have a lady who would enjoy going to shows with me. Spending a lot of time together and feeling comfortable being ourselves in conversations or anything is very important to me. i would want someone who will allow me to follow them around and give all my attention and affection to. i am a good listener who also wants to be understood and affectionate with me.
Profile picture of surfbugbob
Single man, 58, United States, California, Rohnert Park. I am at that place in my life where i am looking to settle in with a romantic partner who has the ability to affect my heart like no one else who can be my best friend and my soulmate all wrapped up into one. i consider myself as a very deeply caring, sweet yet passionate, loyal, trustworthy, kind, thoughtful, compassionate, and down to earth with a great sense of humor who would love to find someone with similar qualities. i have so much to offer, but i am also willing to take it slow and enjoy. I am looking forward to finding my life partner that i can not wait to wake up in the morning to roll over my side, and kiss the love of my life good morning. she loves intimacy and getting swept up in a new relationship, that whirlwind when you meet someone and fall for them instantly. i think true romance is about getting to know someone and connecting on a deep level. it’s more than just chemistry and attraction.